Thursday, July 06, 2006

Mayor Proves Charlie's point, HSH Conducts Alachua Review

Checking in.

GREAT series of stories in Today's High Spring's Herald.

They won't be online till tomorrow. But when I get a copy - I'll see what I can do to give you an update.

Here is a teaser:

I was "thrown out" (and threatened to be re-arrested) of the City of Alachua's Commission meeting - and subsequently "outlawed" (I really can say that I am a 21st century outlaw now - in the real sense of the term) from the City itself as a result - for doing what?

I went to the City, and attempted to prevent it from breaking Florida's Open Government laws (which require all business be done in public meetings, with public observation and participation) - by attempting to get the CIty to actually follow its rules - by using Roberts Rules of Order which are established by the CIty's Rule 10 as the procedures for "order" in the meetings.

By following Roberts Rules - I was ruled "out of order" by the Mayor - who is totally clueless as to the laws, the rules, and Roberts Rules - and she used that to have me thrown out and on two occasions, later, tried to get the State to throw me in jail as a result.

Well, this week, even though I was not in attendance - John Prosser again made a point of order. She didn't throw him out or arrest him - but she did freak out again - and threatened to have him removed.

But then she read into the record from the Florida League of Cities Manual on what a consent agenda is supposed to be used for.

Silly enough - she thought she was PROVING she was right. Instead she proved MY point.

THe High Spring's Herald did not miss the irony of this - and now has done a year's worth of review of what has been passed via the COnsent Agenda. And the verdict is - NEARLY EVERYTHING from the land use and rezonings to pave the way for Wal-Mart, to the subsidization of big boxes, to CLovis Watson's contract - and payment for his "education", and even for their own pay raises.

Persistence is what is necessary to expose those in authority - who use the air of legitimacy as their tool - to break that down despite their draconian tactics.

More to come.



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